Honorary citizen of village – 2003.
She was born in Aldebrő, 14 March, 1929. Her parents were also born in Aldebrő. She had one sibling, who died in 1988.
She gained secondary school certificate. She begin to work in 1947, by the clerk Ernő Lieszkovszky. First she was Shorthand-typist, then public work registrar, public supply subsidiary. At the foundation of the Council, she was removed as agency handler to Egerfarmos, in 1950. She was replaced to Aldebrő, in 1951. From 1953, due to her good work she was sent to the ,,Füzesabonyi Járási Tanács”. From 1957 she worked in the Council of Aldebrő as administrative, later financial, then economic lecturer. In 1967 she was appointed secretary of the Executive Committee of Aldebrő. From 1977 she became secretary of Aldebrő-Tófalu common Municipal until her retirement in 1984. In the course of her work she got awards in every speciality goverment award.
Newspaper of the Commune